Amazing Grace
(Lyrics: My Chains are Gone)
Jotta A…Brazilian boy..God’s Perfect Gift…
Jose Antonio “Jotta A” Viana is a seventh grader, born and brought up in a Pentecostal family. His Dad is a Pastor of a local Assemblies of God church in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Here, he is singing the song of Chris Tomlin’s version of Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone). Jotta is simply talented and most of all anointed. He has turned christian songs into a new breed and heights that are now becoming more and more popular even to the unbelievers. He is really a new singing sensation! He is 13 years old now and also a most anointed child Gospel singer in the whole world. His mother tongue is Portuguese so forget his mispronunciation of the English words. May this Video be an inspiration/motivation to our kids.Please share this video with your Kids & friends.